Countdown to Christmas

I can’t believe Nora’s third Christmas is the day after tomorrow. We have been having lots of fun getting ready for Santa and Nora is getting quite excited as well as we are. I was looking back at Christmas pictures from last year, it’s so amazing to see how much she has grown and matured. We only thought she was big stuff last year. But this year….look out, Nora is in full effect and knows all about Christmas and the goodies that come along with it. She’s already accidentally found my secret hiding spot for some of her gifts, obviously I need to get better at hiding gifts from such a big curious girl. The other day I hear her screaming from the back of the house “mommy! mommy! come here!” I ran back there thinking she found a spider or something that scared her but no, instead she was screaming in excitement because she got a peek of her new Wubbzy doll. Thankfully she didn’t see Wubbzy’s friend Daisy who she requested from Santa along with more books and puzzles. Although I think she’s too young still to wonder why Santa’s gift was here before Christmas but we’ve learned to never under estimate Nora’s smarts, because she has quite a lot of them. 🙂

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Picking out the tree

Nora tried on her Christmas dress last week and it made her so excited she put on her boa and got dancing fever. Nora is one dancing, singing little cutie pants. I’ve been counting up all the songs she sings word for word, she’s up to at least 15 songs and the list is still growing with her adding Christmas songs to her repatwar. Yesterday she made up her first original song which I’m sure will fast become a greatest hit. “Turn around and touch your knees, I love singing my ABC’s!”

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Click here to see Nora busting wiggly moves in her Christmas dress

Click here to see part 2 of Nora dancing in her “fancy shoes”

Click here to see Nora singing Jingle Bells
(sorry for the darkness of the video, it was taken in at night the car on the way to see Christmas lights)

Nora is doing great…. eating good, overall having good BM’s, gaining good weight and growing tall. I haven’t measured her in a while but I know she’s gaining length by the way a lot of her pants have turned into highwaters all of a sudden. We are very happy with her progress and are looking forward to starting off the new year, I have a feeling it’s going to be the best one yet. 🙂

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(as you can see, Nora is quite fond of her boa)