Nora Update Email #4

Hello Everyone!

I am sorry I have not sent out a Nora update but Sarah ended up with an infection in her incision on Friday and had to be readmitted into the hospital. She is doing fine now and they let her go home today and should recover fine.

Nora is doing GREAT! We have been giving her more and more breast milk every day via bottle and lowering the amount of TPN (the nutrient they have been feeding her intravenously that is bad for her but has been needed to keep her alive as her surgery healed) daily. The expectation was that Nora would not absorb any of the milk and would have to stay on TPN and wait for a transplant. On Thursday a doctor told us that she had close to a 0% chance of survival and they were just giving her milk to prove she would not absorb since the textbook said she wouldn’t but Nora has done nothing but prove them wrong. Yesterday Sarah was able to start breastfeeding and today we were told she was being taken off the TPN all together this evening and should be able to come home in a couple days!!!!! The doctors are not sure how she is absorbing the nutrients and actually brought in a group of medical students and called her the “miracle baby” today. All I know is we have a strong little girl and we know that all of your love and prayers played a part in Nora’s miraculous and speedy recovery and we thank you all for your support. I expect we will still have challenges ahead of us but for the moment we have a healthy, beautiful little girl that cant wait to meet you all! Thanks again for everyone’s prayers and support through this extremely trying time.

Montana, Sarah and Nora!