Omegaven Story on NBC

Omegaven is the IV drug that saved Nora from needing to have a liver transplant. She was one of the few lucky babies who the FDA approved to use the drug outside of the trial run by Dr. Puder at Boston Children’s Hospital. This drug is made from fish oil and should be available to every child who needs it but unfortunately it is still not approved by the FDA. There will be a report on Omegaven tonight on Rock Center with Brian Williams on NBC at 10pm EST about this very important issue. If you can’t watch it tonight, set your DVR’s because it is sure to be a story worth watching. The child featured in the story is Sam O’Connor who is also a child with short bowel syndrome that we’ve been following on his blog for many years.

Here is a post we wrote in 2008 after Nora had been on Omegaven for a year.

We hope this story will spark more national news coverage for Omegaven and that the FDA will one day soon approve it for all who need it.


If you missed the airing of the story Friday night, below is a link to it.