Getting Ready for Santa

I can’t believe Christmas is less than 10 days away. Nora has been having lots of fun playing with the tree ornaments and looking at the sparkley lights. I can’t wait to see her reaction on Christmas morning now that she’s getting to be such a big girl. She’s so inquisitive and thoughtful about everything she does. Here’s a little video clip of chatty girl Nora talking to the ornaments on the tree and showing them to her toy duckie.

Nora was a good helper when we decorated the tree the other week. She likes to take the ornaments off more so than putting them on but overall she’s been a very good girl with the tree.
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Nora has been doing great on the decreased amount of TPN. She’s been on the lesser amount for almost 3 weeks and she has gained 12oz since the decrease! Her little body isn’t the only thing growing. Nora’s vocabulary amazes us everyday. She can say pretty much anything she wants to. She has learned how to say “thank you” and “you’re welcome” and when it is appropriate to say it. And the other day she turned to me and said “hi mama, how ya doin?”.

Nora loves to be outside, she’s such a little nature girl. Here she is enjoying her first wagon ride.
NeeNee’s doggies joined in the wagon riding fun too!
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She would have rode around in the wagon all day if we had the energy to keep pulling her around the yard. The faster and bumpier the ride was, the more she liked it. Every time we’d stop she’d say “more, more!”. After seeing how much she loved it, a wagon is now on her Christmas list. (but a less heavy duty one) 🙂

3 thoughts on “Getting Ready for Santa

  1. Aunt Jenn

    Merry Christmas to All!!!
    It looks like Nora and her daddy did a wonderful job decorating the tree together! I can’t wait to see and hear about all of the special treats Santa delivers to Nora this year! I hope the elves can get a new wagon ready for little Miss Nora in under a week since she’s found a fun, new adventure!
    By the way, if I’d been a fly on the wall when Nora said “hi mama, how ya doin?” I would have completely melted … like poor Frosty! (Since I can’t seem to stop myself from adding Christmas references to every statement, the world will now know what a goofy dork your big sister is!!!) 🙂
    The 3 of us are sending the 3 of you a big sleigh full of love this holiday season!!!

  2. Diana McBride

    SHE IS SO ADORABLE!!! Yes i still look every now and then and to your older sister: if it weren’t for you older,goofy,dorky ones, we younger ones wouldn’t have the character WE have. Goofy, dorky older sister RULE!!!(Don’t tell my sister I said so.)

    Have a very Merry Christmas as I know you will. Nora is one of the best gifts ever. Eat her up like a little Gingerbread cookie – that was for “Aunt Jenn’s” benefit.

  3. Aunt Jenn

    Merry Christmas to Diana too! I agree with your post and your sister secret is safe with us! I’m glad I’m not alone out there in the goofy big sister universe! Having a little sister is pretty nifty too…at least as an adult!!! Ha! 😉