Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day from Nora!

Nora is a very lucky little girl, she has not just 2 sets of grandparents but 3! (since both of my parents re-married) and 3 living great-grandparents who love her very much. We didn’t want the day to slip by without making a post in recognition of grandparents because they are so very special. Some of my happiest memories as a child are ones made with my grandparents and I know that Nora is making those happy memories as well.

Nora gets to see 2 sets of her grandparents often since we all live in the same town. We wish she could see her Grandaddy and Nanny who live in Kentucky more often but the distance poses a challenge since traveling hasn’t been kind to Nora. But we can’t thank her Grandaddy and Nanny enough for making the effort to visit as often as they can and for planning to join us again this Thanksgiving.

Nora is very much looking forward to the day when she gets to go up to Grandaddy’s farm and she is already practicing her farm skills. Nora’s favorite song to sing these days is Old McDonald and I must say it is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

click here to see Nora singing Old McDonald – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXl1Zg0C-gU
(sorry the clip is so short, my battery loves to die when Nora’s being extra cute)

For the past week or so Nora has been pretending that her wagon turned upside down is her “tractor” and this one specific hat is her “farm hat”. Introducing Farmer Nora. 🙂

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One thought on “Happy Grandparents Day!

  1. Aunt Jenn

    How sweet! We love Farmer Nora on her “tractor”!
    We’re planning a trip to Grandaddy’s farm in a couple of weekends and can hardly wait until the day we can watch both of our girls running around together, petting the cows and exploring the land and river!