June 7, 2007

Well today Nora had 1 poop with a bit of consistancy and then 1 big watery one 🙁  We are hoping tomorrow will bring us more solid poops. Anyone else tired of talking (or reading) about poop yet??

Some hopeful news though… it sounds like Nora’s doctor spoke with the right person at the FDA in order to get Nora approved to use Omegaven and so we are hoping to have her started on it by the beginning of next week at the latest. We are still waiting to hear from Dr. Patterson on how the conversation went but we are hoping it went well and he has good news for us in the morning. I must say I am very disapointed in the FDA’s “emergency” approval process. I would hate to see what the long process is like 🙁

5 thoughts on “June 7, 2007

  1. Aunt Jenn

    You can keep the “poop talk” coming as far as I’m concerned! I love hearing and/or reading every little ounce of information! I hope the Omegaven becomes available for Nora very soon. 🙂

    All our love,
    Aunt Jenn, Uncle Chad and Cousin Marin

  2. montana Post author

    Haha good. I am glad at least someone still likes hearing about poop! 🙂

    I tell you what Nora has made me forget about all my reservations and anxiety when it comes to hospitals, vomit, and icky poops. Not sure if this is how I wanted to get over these things but I will take it.

  3. Selina Hough


    It all sounds like great news. I cannot get over how much she looks like you!


    I love the website, we will check it often…keep those “poopdates” coming!


  4. Uncle Chad

    re: FDA long approval proces…the government at all levels (state, local and federal) are riddled with bureacracy, redundancy and dead letter offices. Dealing with the government will undoubtedly be one of your main points of contention during this process. I feel for you guys!!!

    I may be in Boston for business in August for a week and will definitely be in contact so that I can see you all.

  5. Uncle Chad

    Also, regarding Boston…if you guys have to move there you can always sell your car(s) as they have a wealth of mass transit options. Their subway system is a bit antiquated but you get around the metro area with ease via bus, subway, cabs, bikes, duck boats 🙂 etc.