Nora KayLee Thomas is 4 Years Old!!

Nora turned 4 years old last Wednesday, April the 27th. We had a small family celebration on her birthday then had a party with her friends last Saturday.

Tearing into her gifts on her bday morning.

Bubbles and balloons! 🙂

Nora’s big gift from us for her bday was a playhouse, which she has been having a blast playing in.

And when Saturday came for her big celebration with her friends, she had lots of fun being the playhouse hostess.

Time for presents……

and cake! (can you tell the cake is very serious business?) 🙂

And the most special gift of all was a visit from Nora’s surgeon and friend, Dr. Crooms.

Happy Birthday our sweet, darling Super Nora!! You are the light of our life, such a special blessing we have been given to be your parents. Love, Mommy & Daddy

3 thoughts on “Nora KayLee Thomas is 4 Years Old!!

  1. Jenna

    Hi Norah!
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are one amazing, special and precious gift. U are a Strong, Courageous and Determined Fighter. U are brave Warrior, Smilen Champ, and an Inspiriational Hero.
    I was born with a rare life threatening disease.