Nora’s Big Girl Highchair

The last two weeks have been great for Nora. Sorry for the lack of posts, we’ve been busy playing and having too much fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

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She’s bounced back from her setback last month and as of Monday’s weigh in she was up to 14lb 4oz. Just 6 more ounces to go to get her back to her pre-anti biotic tummy episode weight. She’s eating great, full of energy and is just about to start crawling. Today she was pulling both of her knees under her tummy and pushing them back like a little inch worm. Her vocabulary is developing daily. It seems like every morning she wakes up saying new sounds and last week she said Mama!! The physical therapist from the Early Steps program came by for a follow up visit from Nora’s initial assessment a few months back and she was very impressed with Nora’s cognitive skills and coordination. No developmental delays here, Nora is right on track for a 7 month old and that was even while she was still half asleep because we had to wake her up from her nap for the appointment.


Nora is all about eating these days. She’s eating her rice porridge twice a day and if she sees anyone else eating out of a bowl she thinks it’s for her. Montana was eating popcorn the other night and she practically dove into the bowl!


We were considering expanding her diet beyond Elecare formula and rice porridge soon but since she’s doing so well at the moment we don’t want to rock the boat and will stay on this course for now. Tuesday evening marked a very important milestone for Nora, she got a big girl highchair!!!

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(yep, we joined the short gut rain forest highchair club) ๐Ÿ™‚

“Hey what’s this on my bib?”


“mmm rice porridge is even yummier straight off the bib!”

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Nora getting a highchair is huge for us. In the weeks and months after she was born we were preparing ourselves for the mindset that she may never be able to eat orally or if she did it wouldn’t be for a long time. Everything is put in perspective when the daily things that we take for granted are suddenly not there. So when we are given these gifts it makes the experience that much more sweeter. So make a mess my darling Nora playing in your rice porridge and have fun with the eating experience because mommy will enjoy cleaning up every bit of it!

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Nora is ready for Christmas!

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We were standing by the tree the other night and she zoned right into her ornament as if she knew it’s just for her. And then of course she wanted to lick it like she wants to do to everything she can get her hands on these days.

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Watch out Rudolph, you have some competition for the cutest reindeer this year.

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6 thoughts on “Nora’s Big Girl Highchair

  1. Aunt Jenn

    Could she be any cuter?!? Seriosly! I’ve got the cutest, funniest, happiest and smartest little niece on the planet! We know she’s brilliant and beautiful but if they want to keep testing her then I guess we’ll humor them! ๐Ÿ™‚ She is getting to be such a big girl and I’m sure she feels like quite a big girl in her new highchair! She is, by far, the most darling ‘Santa Baby’ I’ve ever seen!!
    Kisses and hugs to you all!

  2. Aunt Brenda

    Okay, it was a hard decision, but my favorite pic is the one with her tongue out trying to reach into the bowl of porridge! Isn’t it amazing how a child’s view of things brings such joy ๐Ÿ™‚
    Love and kisses to all-

  3. Alicia- NICU

    Oh my goodness… I’m lovng all the new good news about Nora! She’s such a beautiful baby and you guys are such wonderful parents! Merry Christmas!

  4. Uncle Chad

    Um, I just love those pics. The Christmas ornament ones are AWESOME. I can’t wait to meet her this weekend.

    And a few words to Montana…in the voice of Hank Hill: Why don’t you cut that hair, hippie!!!