Nora’s Bilirubin = 1.3!

Only 0.1 to go for Nora’s bilirubin to be in the normal range! The rest of her labs looked great this week too and she now weighs 13lbs 13 oz. She’s doing so well that there’s not much to report this week except for that life is grand and Nora is the light of our life. 🙂 Tomorrow will be Nora’s 6 month b-day and we are very much looking forward to celebrating!

Nora had a visit with her great grandparents yesterday and even though it was way past her nap time she still managed to be charming and flirt it up with Mama and Daddy Tom.

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This past week we had a quite a few parents contact us from all around the country about Omegaven and general Short Bowel issues. Talking to them takes me back to the place where Nora was just a few months ago when things were so hard. My heart goes out to all of these parents and we wish all of them the best of luck with their little angels. Short Bowel babies are amazing and I’m so glad that these parents can gain hope and strength from Nora’s progress just as we did, and still do, from Ellie’s blog. I was so happy to hear from a mom in Oregon that her insurance is going to cover Omegaven for her little baby boy after her insurance case manager read Ellie and Nora’s blogs. So for any of you out there who are struggling to get Omegaven in your home town please feel free to share Nora’s story in your case. The word about Omegaven is spreading and more and more babies are being saved from this wonderful gift from nature.

4 thoughts on “Nora’s Bilirubin = 1.3!

  1. Emily Brown

    Nora looks amazing. Her progress is such a wonderful answer to prayer. The Brown family will continue to pray for Nora. You guys are such great parents. Have a great 6 month Birthday Nora!!!!!

  2. Aunt Jenn

    WOO HOO!!! What a great bilirubin level for a big 6 month old girl!! Nora looks soooo cute in her little jeans and red booties! I want to smooch her cute little cheeks! Happy Six Month Birthday Nora!

  3. Aunt Brenda

    What a treasure those pictures are! Nora looks wonderful and it’s so great to see her with mom and dad. They must be floating on a cloud 🙂
    Hugs and kisses to all-