Our Little Super Girl

Today was a good day! Nora has had NO fever all day long and is back looking and acting like our little angel 🙂

The last 2 days have been really hard on her and she was looking terrible so we are so happy to see the return of her bright eyes and smiles. They figured out the bacteria is Klebsiella. Not something you want but since it seems we caught it right from the start and started getting the antibiotics in her so fast that she is going to recover very quickly. We are hoping she will have no trace of the bacteria by the end of the weekend and the great surgeon Dr. Crooms will do her BROVIAC surgery and give her a button for her G-tube Monday or Tuesday and then we we hope we will have her back home by Wednesday or Thursday. I think we will keep her home a bit this time. Sorry TMH RN’s we know you love her but we are getting a bit tired of Hotel TMH.

Also for those of you concerned with our ER visit, we were too. We have already spoken with several people at TMH including the head of the ER who was very nice and concerned and seemed like she would be taking action. We hope that some of the things that happened to us will help TMH make adjustments to their ER system to provide better care in the future for all patients. Things like being able to flag people like Nora who may need special care so TMH staff can instantly be aware of the patients condition would make a lot of sense in my opinion. We hope they see this as well and take action.

Thank you ALL for the love and support you have continued to show us and send Nora’s way It is what has helped us get through it all and stay so strong. We will post some newer pics of Nora soon. She is getting bigger all the time and is cute as can be, if I dont say so myself 😉

6 thoughts on “Our Little Super Girl

  1. Christianna

    Oh my…what a time you three have had. I’m so sorry that things went from bad to worse, but I’m glad to hear that Nora seems to be much better. Love ya’ll.

  2. Erin, Andy and Connor

    Good to hear the latest. We totally understand the ups and downs with a short gut kid! I hope the brovaic/ G button surgery goes well. It should be a better for you and Nora. Good luck with getting the Omegaven and know that we are thinking of you. Connor says hello!

  3. Aunt Brenda

    Thank goodness for NICU folks! I’m hoping your doctor can leave permanent orders for ER and copies with you! But you two did your usual great job of handling the unexpected. I’m so proud of you! Nora is definitely a toughie; she just keeps being wonderful. Give her lots of kisses for us 🙂

  4. Ian

    Props on not punching anybody, dude. I know it couldn’t have been easy. It’s been said before but it bears repeating, Tallahassee health care in general SUCKS. I’m glad you guys have the resources at Shands and glad she’s doing better. I”m tremendously proud of you both and can’t wait to meet Nora.

  5. Aunt Jenn

    I am so glad to hear that Nora is improving and I am so excited about finally getting to meet this sweet little girl tomorrow!!!
    I love you all!

  6. Dustin, aka: Dunkey

    I am happy that you all had the grace and calm to weather this last storm!

    Our prayers are with you three…and we are sending extra hugs and kisses to Nora with Auntie Jenn.
