Quick Omegaven Update

Well I called the division of the FDA in charge of the final approval process and of course the guy we have been dealing with is out of the office for 2 weeks and his replacement is not in today either. I was told by the receptionist that there was nobody else in the office at all I could talk to and she knew nothing. Must be nice not to have to work on Fridays….have fun playing golf guys 🙁

If we dont get this resolved first thing Monday I will be getting in contact with our Congressman.  I refuse to wait another 30 days just to get approval for something we are already approved for!

Some good news though as of last fever check at 4pm Nora had no fever. This is a very good sign 🙂

One thought on “Quick Omegaven Update

  1. Aunt Brenda

    Hey guys,
    So sorry to hear that Nora’s back in the hospital, but I’m hoping it’s just viral. I’ve been enjoying all the latest pictures and am very smitten with that little cutie!

    The Omegaven delay is maddening, especially after you’ve been so patient and worked so hard to jump through all the hoops!

    Hang tough and fight hard.

    Aunt Brenda