Ready for Answers

We thought that Nora would be having her endoscopy this week but it was rescheduled at the last minute so she will be having it done the first of next week.  Since there are no pediatric GI’s in our area we will be taking her to Birmingham where her GI’s are to have the procedure. Most of the time an endoscopy is done as out patient but since we will be so far from home they will admit her the day before to clean out her bowels for pre-op. We’re really hoping this part wont be as bad as we are anticipating. To keep her mind occupied from being hungry since she wont be able to eat, we have lots of goodies and surprises packed for the hospital stay. As long as they don’t find anything too serious we should be headed back home the following day.

Thankfully she is still doing ok and her symptoms are minimal but they are still there. She has been on a very bland diet for over a week which we’re thinking is helping  to not irritate whatever is going on. Nora’s abdominal xray didn’t show anything obviously concerning and her stool test came back negative for pathogens like samonella.

We have talked to Nora a lot lately about her special tummy and that we’ll be going to the doctor to have a special procedure done that will hopefully make her tummy feel better. She really likes the sound of the idea of her tummy aches going away. She was all ready to go on our trip to see the doctor and was a little disappointed when we told her we had to wait to go. The other day she had a tummy ache and after it went away she said “I feel better now, but I still need to go to the doctor”. I hope we didn’t hype it up too much because they may not be able to make her tummy aches go away but hopefully we will get some insight to answers that we are anxiously awaiting.

Nora is still her sweet, happy self and having lots of fun. Especially with her best buddy Maya.

Introducing Nora the monkey fairy princess! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Ready for Answers

  1. Carolyn Vernier

    Hi Nora,
    We are praying the doctors will be able to find out the cause of you tummy aches. Hope wishes she lived closer to you so the two of you could play dress up!! She loves your green dress.

  2. Bobbie Jean Armstrong

    I LOVE seeing Nora playing with her friends! I pray the tummy aches go away! Good luck and as you always do….keep us posted!