The Best Anniversary Gift Ever


Hello Everyone! Nora is still on the path to a healthy liver thanks to Omegaven! Her Bilirubin is down to 2.5 this week from 3.4 last week. Anything below 1.2 is considered a normal level so we’re only 1.3 points away!! Her AST and ALT numbers are dropping as well which are also a big indicator of liver inflammation. They had been in the 300-500 range and they are now in the 150-280 range.

More good news is that she gained 7 ounces from last week. Our plump little Nora now weighs 13lbs 7oz. Her eating has picked back up and more some since her eating dipped a few weeks ago when she started teething. She’s still on 22 calorie Elecare. We tried mixing in some 24 calorie bottles a few weeks back but it made her stool very loose so we didn’t push it. She seems to be able to tolerate a higher volume of lower calories better than less volume of more concentrated calories. She’s taking 80ml bottles every hour and a half to two hours and her poops are great!


Nora had her 3 month follow up appointment today for her IV port and g-tube site with the magnificant surgeon Dr. Crooms. He was very happy to see how well she’s growing and is amazed at how well her small intestine is working. It’s always a such a pleasure to see Dr. Crooms. We could never thank him enough for saving our precious little Nora.

Today is our 9th wedding anniversary and we couldn’t have wished for a better gift than for our sweet little Nora. She’s such a happy little girl with so much character who brings so much joy to our lives. Even though she was born with some very unexpected complications she’s still as wonderful as we could have ever imagined. Watching her grow healthier everyday makes our hearts sing!


6 thoughts on “The Best Anniversary Gift Ever

  1. KC Benson

    I just had to say congratulations on 9 years and on your adorable little Nora. I am so glad to see that she is improving and seems so happy. I can’t wait to meet her, she is such a cutie.

  2. Aunt Jenn

    Happy Anniversary! Great news about the amazing and adorable Nora! I’m glad you guys will be able to enjoy an evening out – you deserve it!

  3. aunt brenda

    Oh, my! Look at her:) 🙂 I’m remembering seeing the carriage pull up with Sarah and watching you both under the gazebo. It’s a day for celebrating all around.
    Much love to you three!

  4. Ashley Fulford, RN

    Happy Anniversary you guys! Hope you two had some time to enjoy your special day. I agree with you-Nora is the best gift! She is absolutely adorable in these pictures and I am glad to see that she is really starting to be okay with giving her sunshine back to the skies. Please give her some love for me!!