What’s Nora been up to?

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Thankfully there’s not much to report on the medical front. Nora is doing well and as one of the other SBS moms blogged recently, in our world, boring is a good thing. Nora has been busy being her silly, sweet, smart self….and giving her mom and dad a hard time of acting like a normal, boundary testing two year old at times. But even with this new challenging developmental stage she has entered Nora is still a very good little girl.

Nora has recently mastered singing her ABC’s and can count from 1 to 11. Sometimes she’ll skip a letter or number here or there but for the most part she gets them all and in order. She’s been working on her counting for a while now but she went from not saying her ABC’s at all to saying them from A-Z in less than a week. Here’s a little clip of Nora signing her ABC’s.


Nora has also mastered the art of being a total ham and making funny faces for the camera.
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Nora never ceases to amaze me. After strapping her in her car seat the other day, I cranked up the car but hadn’t put on my seat belt yet and she said “Mommy, where is your seat belt?” Impressed her mommy with her safety smarts that’s for sure!

One thing that Nora has been slow to progress with is potty training. We’ve been working with her for a long time now and she has all the signs that she’s “ready” according to the literature. She knows all about how big girls and boys go to the potty and will sit on it up until the very moment she has to go and then insists on getting off to go in her diaper. If we try to make her stay on the potty she freaks out and gets extremely upset. Nora has been going poo while standing up pretty much ever since she learned how to stand on her own. Besides going against potty training this has been a very good thing since it makes for a much easier clean up than if she pooped sitting down in her diaper. But just like Ruby the duck in one of Nora’s favorite books, Ruby In Her Own Time, she’ll come around when she’s ready.

Nora had her first “social” tea party with our very sweet neighbor Chrys. Nora had a blast and really enjoyed her first taste of chocolate from a nibble of a vegan, gluten-free brownie and thankfully her tummy handled it well.
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Happy girl….. 🙂

2 thoughts on “What’s Nora been up to?

  1. abby brogan

    Hey! Glad to hear things are boring! The potty training thing sounds exactly like Ellie. She just loves to do everything in her diaper. She even went as far as peeing in the potty a few times and then never again. Let me know when you figure it out.

  2. Aunt Jenn

    Bravo on the ABC’s!!! Little Miss Nora is too cute for words! 🙂
    We love you!
    Aunt Jenn, Uncle Chad & Cousin Marin