Nora’s Photos and Videos

Click Here to view Nora’s Photo Gallery

Yes its finally fixed 🙂

5 thoughts on “Nora’s Photos and Videos

  1. Lori Black, RN, MS (TMH NICU)

    I love Nora’s website. Such a beautiful site for a beautiful baby girl! She is such an angel, and you guys are WONDERFUL parents!

  2. Jill Coch RN (TMH NICU)

    I love all the beautiful pictures of Nora! It has been a pleasure to get to know all 3 of you and Nora will always have a special place in my heart! I will continue to watch her website for updates after you guys leave TMH.

  3. sarah

    Thanks Jill and Lori for your sweet words and all of your wonderful care for Nora. She’s very lucky to have such great nurses. We can’t wait to get her home but we will miss all of Nora’s new friends and we will be sure to keep in touch.
    Thanks again to all of the staff at TMH.

  4. justin buckley

    What a beatiful baby:) Clearly going to be a wonderful instalmet to the famly. I wish the family and little Nora the best on the behalf of Liz, Jim, Christian, and myself.

    Love, Justin Buckley

  5. Hannia Gonzalez Solano

    Tengo un hijo con sindrome de intestino corto, se llama Allan,estuvo 5 anos internado en hospital nacional de ninos en San jose Costarrica , el sobrepaso todo pronostico ya que al ano y siete meses quedo con un residual de 23 cm, nutricion parenteral total por casi 3 anos luchando con cateteres centrales peg, todas las bacterias existentes pero el al igual que Nora son angeles con proposito especial y son vencedores de la vida, les felicito porque solo con la fortaleza que Dios nos da podemos pasar este y cualquier obstaculo en la vida. aAhora mi hijo tiene 7 y 3 meses asiste a la escuela normal se alimenta casi de todo QUE DIOS LES BENDIGA SIEMPRE. pueden conocer a Allan en teletica canal siete, siete dias y luego ponen Allan Velez Gonzalez