Mama I’m Comin’ Home!

Well it looks like Nora is coming home today! YAY! The team at TMH is working with the home health care people to get her all setup and we hope she will be home by the end of the day! It is a bit scary coming home with pumps, feeding tube, etc. but I have no doubt we can handle it and the excitement of FINALLY getting Nora home overrides everything else. I am sure soon all of Nora’s “extra” devices will become old hat.

Off to the hospital now to get our little girl ready but we will post some more info and pics later today with an update on her travels home.

9 thoughts on “Mama I’m Comin’ Home!

  1. Aunt Jenn

    I love the heading and better yet, I love the news!!

    Bringing a baby home makes all new parents a little nervous but you guys have learned, observed and handled so much in the past 6 weeks that I know you are going to do absolutely fabulously with Nora at home! And you can snuggle with her all day long without making trips to the hospital! yippee!

    Try not to back off on the photos and tidbits once you get home – we out of town family members love to keep up with the daily Nora news! 🙂

  2. Aunt Jenn

    I ran out of space to type before so I’ll try to be brief this time…

    Enjoy having your sweet baby girl at home and keep us posted on future travel plans to Boston!

    Love you!

  3. Alicia (NICU Secretary)

    I’m SO excited for you guys… even though I’m going to miss my little buddy! I spoiled her while she was over here in room 271 by the desk! I wish you the best and will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Please, please, please keep in touch!
    Love, Alicia

  4. Phillip (Chad and Jenn's friend)

    First of all, congratulations on the birth of your little girl. My wife and I have heard so about Nora. Great news…and congratulations again!!

  5. Brooke (RN)

    I am so happy that you finally get to take Nora home- even though I will miss seeing her and taking care of her the nights that I work. I love to see Nora’s updates (even though up until now I know most of it first hand!) and hope that you continue to post her progress. Don’t forget to bring Nora around to visit the NICU every once in a while! We’ll miss her 🙂

  6. Abby Brogan

    Congratulations on your great news! We have been following your blog for a while now, Nora is a doll! It is so exciting that you get to go home. It can be very tiring the first month that you are home but it gets better. Now all the pumps and tubes just seem normal to me, I sometimes forget that not all kids come with “accessories.” Good luck with your first couple nights home and get sleep whenever you can.
    (Ellie’s mom)

  7. Aunt Brenda

    Hurrah! I’m having fun picturing Nora in her room that her dad painted pink just for her. She’s got lots of new things to see in there 🙂 I know you’re going to be tired, but I also know you’re going to do a great job taking care of Nora. Hugs and kisses to you all!

  8. Brenda(RN)

    Well, I have been off work for ten days visiting with my Mom but I have been keeping up with Nora. I was looking forward to seeing her tomorrow night and hopefully taking care of her but it sounds like she will be at home were she needs to be. Congratulations and best wishes! We will mis her beautiful little smile. Please keep us updated with her website and ALWAYS be her advocate. You know Nora best. I will keep Nora in my prayers. It was a pleasure taking care of you precious baby girl!! Brenda