The Great Escape

Well it took a great doctor, some speedy (and great) nurses, a blood transfusion and a couple new home health care friends but we were able to smuggle Nora out of TMH tonight finally!! YAY!!!

We had a bit of a snag when we got home with the new IV and feeding tube pumps when 2 of the 3 pumps stopped working right within an hour or so of getting home. The feeding pump refused to stay on longer than 7 minutes and one of the IV pumps started beeping “air in line” and sure enough there was about 12 inches of air creeping up the line. We called the home health care folks and a very nice RN was here within 15 minutes and fixed us all up with new pumps and gave Nora a quick checkup and was on his way. What a way to start the homecoming but hey at least we know how to handle an emergency and the response time of our new home care nurses 🙂

We will be sure to keep the blog up to date with updates and really appreciate all the sweet comments many of you have posted. To all the doctors, nurses, and staff at TMH we want to say a BIG thank you!! You have all been great to us and made this experience way easier for Sarah and I than it could of been had we not had such CARING care givers. We are truly grateful.

As I write this Nora is snuggled between Sarah and I laying sound asleep in our bed (dont worry Nurse Ashley she will be in the crib before we crash) and I must say its a relief to get her home even though I know we have a long road ahead of us. Abby (Ellie Brogans mom) posted a comment today saying “It can be very tiring the first month that you are home but it gets better. Now all the pumps and tubes just seem normal to me, I sometimes forget that not all kids come with “accessories.”” Thanks for that Abby, being home is a bit scary and those simple words made things feel better. For now I am just forgetting about the pumps, tubes and everything else and just enjoying my daughter, my wife and our life together as a family.

Some quick pics of the first night at home. I will post some more tomorrow.



6 thoughts on “The Great Escape

  1. Uncle Chad

    You got to quit making me cry…I have a job to do and I have to look (and act) tough for the troops. I am going to have to start reading these when I am home.

    I am so happy that you guys are finally getting a little solace at home. We keep you in our thoughts daily.

  2. Aunt Jenn


    I’m sorry to hear the first night home got off to a bumpy start but Nora looks completely content to be home with mommy and daddy! What an angel!

    I hope the days get easier and easier for you guys!

    We love you!

  3. Mic and Geri

    Congratulations! You three are amazing! We are SO happy for you. Let Mic know when you are ready for a family photo. xoxo ‘Aunt Geri”

  4. Amy Pavona

    It warms my heart to know that you have this precious little gift at home with you now. What a beautiful blessing! We think of you guys often and you are always in our prayers. Take care of each other! Love, The Pavonas

  5. Dustin

    I am so happy that you three are home together!

    Amy and I am thinking of and praying for you three every day….

  6. emily

    Hey guys just found out about the web site.
    I wont be long just wantied you to know that I think about you all daily. If I could be anywhere in the world I would be with you now. Nora is such a great joy to us all and has touched so many of our lives.
    She is a very strong little girl with two wounderful parents, and a whole lot of people who love her. If you guys need us please,please,please call. We love you all so much!